How can the European Parliament go beyond political goodwill in addressing obesity and resilient health systems in a post COVID-19 new reality?
The European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO) is coordinating the Expert Secretariat for the Informal Interest Group on Obesity and Health System Resilience at the European Parliament.
The MEP Interest Group is chaired by MEP Pernille Weiss (EPP, DK) with Vice Chairs MEP Sara Cerdas (S&D – PT) and MEP Susana Solis-Perez (Renew Europe Group – ES).
The Interest Group is focused on implementing obesity as a non-communicable disease in definition, scope and how it is treated beyond primary prevention within policy instruments.
The group will also go beyond obesity and consider ways for EU policies and legislative dossiers to make a positive difference in supporting our healthcare systems to become more resilient as we move towards a New Reality post COVID-19.
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